School Management Software
Students’ academic records and the school’s administration are run through a School Plus, a fully integrated school management software solution. This is being integrated with the school portal to enable Parents and guardians access information about their wards online.
Sports, Competition And Facilities
Series of intra and inter-school academic, and sporting competitions are held to sharpen the intellectual and physical abilities of our students.
Sports are highly recommended for all students unless where an exception is granted on medical ground. Our sporting facilities include an Olympic-sized football field, volley ball court, tennis, Taekwondo, track and field facilities, and lots more. The college has Olympic size football pitch and tracks.
Taekwondo is taught as martial arts. The martial arts center enrolls interested students/pupils and staff. Taekwondo, the art and science of self-defense using hands and legs, is useful for physical and mental fitness. It is also aids self-confidence and sharpens the individual reflexes.
Al-Azhar Transportation
In view of the growing number of day students, the school invested in its transportation facilities that covers different routes.
Al-Azhar Sickbay
To cater for the health needs of students and staff, the school has a fully functional Sickbay with qualified medical personnel.
The school runs a well-stocked library with several books across different fields of study.
State of the Arts Computer Laboratory
The school maintains a state-of-the-art internet-enabled computer laboratory for the use of staff and students.