With the grace of ALMIGHTY ALLAH AL-AZHAR international college conducted a successful final year graduation ceremony on the 29th July, 2017. And the chief guest was Honourable DR. Y. A. HABEEB and Honourable Yakubu Bello with the attendance of more than 500.
During the ceremony while addressing parents of students the chief gust assured them that AL-AZHAR is the best place to send their children or wards for schooling and a place to build their bright future.
Alongside the graduation ceremony was the Aaminul Qur’an Ceremony for the both students from the Tahfeezul School and the Secondary School of the institution as they were certified for the completion of their Memorization and learning the recitation of the Holy Qur’an respectively.
While celebrating the students, prizes were presented to those who came 1ST, 2ND and 3RD in all subjects in both Junior and senior classes.
To make this ceremony memorable students from the primary and secondary sections presented drama show. And the whole ceremony was captured with a camera.
The program came to an end by the closing prayer lead by MA’LLAM HAFIZ YONUS and group photographs of students.
1 Comment
Alhamdulilah that am one of those who graduated from this credible and viable college.. May Allah continue to promote the school to a greater height. Amin