+234(0)706-084-6621 | 08025013503

Second Term Newsletter March, 2022


We express our unalloyed gratitude to the Almighty Allah (SWT) for bringing us to the successful and peaceful completion of second term 2021/2022 academic session.

We also use this medium to thank our amiable parents for their patronage and profound love for Al-Azhar International College. May the Almighty Allah (SWT) continue to be your strength and provider (Amin).


The National Association of Proprietor of Private Schools’ (NAPPS) Examination for second term, 2021/2022 academic session was done successfully with our students passing the examination excellently.


The challenges faced by the school regarding the buses was given appropriate attention as the school is committed to giving the best transport services to all our students. We are working round the clock to ensure that these challenges are brought to rest before the next resumption in sha Allah.


Al-Azhar International College students and primary pupils are being carefully and technically groomed in quiz and debate competition programmes. We are optimistic and very confident that the programmes are capable of producing pupils/students for the International Olympiad Competition in Mathematics, physics, spelling bee and other relevant primary and post primary subjects.

A step forward from the activities of these programmes shows the school’s commitment to producing Nobel prize winners in every field of human learning.


We believe that education without morals is disaster, hence, the reasons we engage our pupils/students in rigorous Qur’an training and memorization of the Hadith. Our weekly moral talk is also bringing the best character and behaviour from our pupils/students.


We also use this medium to inform you that the National Association of Proprietor’s of Private Schools is preparing for the upcoming children’s day celebration (27th May, 2022). The uniform to be worn by the students on that day will cost #2500 each. The cloth will also be used as school uniforms for Thursdays.

Below is the sample of the uniform.



We sincerely appreciate you for taking your time to attend the last PTA meeting/mini launching on Saturday, 12th March, 2022. We appreciate your presence, financial support, observation and recommendation made during the inspection. We have started working on the observations. The time for siesta has been changed from 4-5pm to 3-4pm while the Saturday computer practical have commenced before the 2nd term examination.


We urge parents to kindly assist their child/children with the Holiday home work. We discovered that majority of the parents do not bother to ask their ward(s) if they were given assignment and many of the students and pupils do go home with homework and return with it undone. This time around, there is going to be punishment for whoever fails to attend to his/her homework. 

Parents should try as much as possible to download the school try in order to access their ward(s) results and assignments.


Resumption day. Worker’s Day (Public Holiday)Monday 2nd May, 2022
Eld-fitr (Public Holiday)Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th May, 2022
Staff SeminarFriday 6th & Saturday 7th, 2022
Resumption (Boarder)Sunday 8th May, 2022    
Resumption (day)Monday 9th May, 2022
Welcome back testMonday 9th – Friday 13th May, 2022
First continuous assessment testMonday 23rd-Friday 26th May, 2022
Children’s DayFriday 27th May, 2022
2nd continuous assessment testMonday 6th June
First Visiting DaySaturday 11th June, 2022
Democracy Day (Public Holiday)Monday 13th June, 2022
Open DayWednesday 15th June, 2022
Mid Term BreakThursday 16th and Friday 17th June, 2022
2nd Visiting Day & PTA MeetingSaturday 9th July, 2022
Ed-Al-Adha (Public Holiday)Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th July, 2022
3rd Term ExamWednesday 20th July-Wednesday 27th July, 2022
VacationFriday 29th July, 2022


We urge parents/guardians who are indebted to school to kindly offset their children/ward fees including the PTA levy and also pay the third term school fees before resumption. May Allah continue to provide for everyone’s family.

The school account numbers are:

First Bank              2015019642

Fidelity Bank:        4010594246

Wema Bank:          0122615665

Jaiz Bank:              0003183432

FCMB Bank:         7812847017

1 Comment

  • by Zainab Abdullahi Ebune Posted April 2, 2022 2:48 pm

    Asalamualaikum, there is no news about the ssce, waec and jsce examination, when is it taken place.
    Please kindly include it in the school news letter, thanks.

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